Sunday, December 20, 2009
This is just cool.
Born of Hope is an independent feature film inspired by the Lord of the Rings and produced by Actors at Work Productions in the UK. That's just cool.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Celebrating Advent in a Culture of Fear
In the spirit of Benedict XVI, I would like to recommend a penitential psalm as grist for meditation for Christians living in a time of fear manipulation. Plato says somewhere that if a people will not have justice as king in their city, then they shall have pleasure and pain whether they will or no. This is what our culture has opted for and our ruling classes, ever keenly alive to what it takes to seize and maintain power, are acutely aware of it. That's why we're ruled by people whose preferred method is to find something that scares the crap out of us and then menace us with it while presenting themselves as saviors from it. A people with no historical memory, swayed by the demands of stomach and groin and petrified of losing their comforts and toys is a people who are perfect prey for this form of governance and the only way to escape that fate is to become another kind of people.
Psalm 32 is a penitential psalm that calls us, among other things, to rise above our mere animal natures, stop behaving like beasts who have to be curbed with the bit and bridle of fear and material luxury and think and act like human beings again. It strikes me as peculiarly appropriate in this season of Advent that winds up the Decade of Fear:
Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
whose sin is covered.
Blessed is the man to whom the LORD imputes no iniquity,
and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
When I declared not my sin,
my body wasted away through my groaning all day long.
For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me;
my strength was dried up* as by the heat of summer. [Selah]
I acknowledged my sin to thee,
and I did not hide my iniquity; I said,
"I will confess my transgressions to the LORD";
then thou didst forgive the guilt of my sin. [Selah]
Therefore let every one who is godly offer prayer to thee;
at a time of distress, * in the rush of great waters,
they shall not reach him.
Thou art a hiding place for me,
thou preservest me from trouble;
thou dost encompass me with deliverance. * [Selah]
I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Be not like a horse or a mule,
without understanding,
which must be curbed with bit and bridle,
else it will not keep with you.
Many are the pangs of the wicked;
but steadfast love surrounds him who trusts in the LORD.
Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice,
O righteous, and shout for joy,
all you upright in heart!
Penitential psalms are God's way of saying there is hope for us. We don't have to be slave to the culture of fear. We can know the freedom of the children of God. Let's take him at his word!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Third week of Advent

John's disciples said to Jesus, "Are you 'He who is to come' or do we look for another?" In reply, Jesus said: "Tell John what you hear and see: the blind recover their sight, cripples walk, lepers are cured, and the poor have good news preached to them..." Lk. 3:10
O Jesus, I rejoice at the signs that say you are near. Your power is everywhere if I could see it.
Yet my eyes often see only darkness and what has yet to be done. I believe in you, yet when I look around evil seems so strong and goodness so weak. If you have come, why is there still so much suffering and why do the poor still despair? Where are your miracles today?
Your grace, O Lord, is more fruitful in my world than I imagine. I know your power is everywhere around me, if I could only see it. Show me today where the blind see and cripples walk.
Make my vision sharper than it is.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Want to throw up?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
All Saints Day!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Man decorates basement with $10 worth of Sharpie
When Charlie Kratzer started on the basement art project in his south Lexington home, he was surrounded by walls painted a classic cream. Ten dollars of Magic Marker and Sharpie later, the place was black and cream and drawn all over.
There are fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes, Winston Churchill lounging with George Bernard Shaw — and the TV squirrel Rocky and his less adroit moose pal Bullwinkle.
Says Kratzer of his cartoon of a cartoon: "You appreciate the cleverness more as an adult."
Read the rest and see the walls here: CLICK ME
I love this stuff! Consider this when I say I invite changes to the Youth House!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A beautiful example
Have a hanky nearby.
A video journal of a couple facing a heartwrenching decision and choosing life.
A beautiful example
Have a hanky nearby.
A video journal of a couple facing a heartwrenching decision and choosing life.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
March for Life Info
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
TORCH Night--Saturday!
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Wonder of His Love
He found a place for you in the world where you could grow in love. He entrusted you to the care of specially chosen ones who would love you and nurture you. You were a gift to them, and you brought them indescribable joy. They marveled at your beauty. When they held you in their arms they were filled with a sense of wonder. They held you close to their hearts and they sensed as never before the closeness of God.
You have never ceased to be a beautiful child of God. Even though you have grown older, God still sees in you the heart of a pure and innocent child. Even though you have changed, even though seemingly your beauty has faded, God's heart still swells with love for you. Even though you have often wandered far away from him, his wish for you is still that you come back to him and love him as he loves you. He created you to love you, and he still keeps a special place in his heart for you. He will love you for all eternity. If you wish to find lasting happiness, you must become a little child again, and open your heart to his love.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009

$370! That's the total from the Car Wash yesterday. That's great! I've already given the money to the Men's Association and they'll be placing it in the account for Mrs. Donna that's been set up.
I am humbled by the generosity of spirit that you guys display. It is such a privilege to be your Youth Minister and I thank God for that blessing every day. God bless you all!
Friday, July 24, 2009
God Loves You!
THE LOVE OF GOD (reprinted from Catholic Answers)
God has not abandoned us, because God is love. He loves the world he made, and he loves us, broken though we are.
God loves us so much that he sent his only Son to become one of us and to save the human race.
His Son was born in the village of Bethlehem two thousand years ago. He grew up to become the most important person in history: Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Christ.
In his ministry, Jesus traveled the hills of Galilee and Judea. He taught the word of God, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, and even raised the dead. In every way, he demonstrated God's love for us and his desire to heal us spiritually as well as physically.
Jesus opened the way for us to have eternal life.
For Jesus, the way was a costly one. He traveled the road of sorrows, and it ended with his death on a cross. Jesus was willing to suffer and die for us because his death would enable us to escape from our sins and to live with God forever.
Though he was God in the flesh, Jesus let himself be whipped and spat on and crowned with thorns. He let himself be crucified, with nails driven through his hands and feet. He offered his life as an act of love for us--an act so perfect, so pure, and so valuable that it paid for the sins of the whole world.
This was something only God could do. No matter what we might do to atone for our sins, we are merely finite creatures and never could pay for our offenses against the infinite holiness of God. But God could pay for them-- and, because he loves us, he did.
After the Crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead. The Resurrection serves as a sign of what is waiting for all who turn to God. One day Jesus will return, and those who have loved God will experience their own glorious resurrection, the overthrow of death, and eternal life in the love of God.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Daily Examen
As promised from last night's TC meeting, here is the daily Examen. This is a wonderful way to end your day in prayer and reflection.
Use it!
Praying the Jesuit Examination of Conscience
1. Thanksgiving
Lord, I realize that all, even myself, is a gift from you.
- Today, for what things am I most grateful?
2. Intention
Lord, open my eyes and ears to be more honest with myself.
- Today, what do I really want for myself?
3. Examination
Lord, show me what has been happening to me and in me this day.
- Today, in what ways have I experienced your love?
4. Contrition
Lord, I am still learning to grow in your love.
- Today, what choices have been inadequate responses to your love?
5. Hope
Lord, let me look with longing toward the future.
- Today, how will I let you lead me to a brighter tomorrow?
Monday, July 13, 2009
What's your favorite song/singer/group?
Anyhoo, that got me wondering what you all like when it comes to music? Who are your favorites? Why?
Can't wait to find out!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Today is St. Benedict's Feast Day!

I would imagine that there are shenanigans planned at the Abbey.
Read a little bio of this great Saint, the 'Founder of Western Monasticism", here.
St. Benedict, pray for us!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Somebody slipped...
"Q: Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women?
JUSTICE GINSBURG: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae — in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of."
As shocking as her comment may be, I find it equally as shocking that the reporter didn't ask a follow up question about this statement. I mean, honestly! A Supreme Court Justice admits that there are some types of people "we have too many of" and he just let's that go??
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It's here! It's here!
Love in Truth.
Some highlights:
Through this close link with truth, charity can be recognized as an authentic expression of humanity and as an element of fundamental importance in human relations, including those of a public nature. Only in truth does charity shine forth, only in truth can charity be authentically lived. Truth is the light that gives meaning and value to charity...
As the objects of God's love, men and women become subjects of charity, they are called to make themselves instruments of grace, so as to pour forth God's charity and to weave networks of charity...
To desire the common good and strive towards it is a requirement of justice and charity. To take a stand for the common good is on the one hand to be solicitous for, and on the other hand to avail oneself of, that complex of institutions that give structure to the life of society, juridically, civilly, politically and culturally, making it the pólis, or “city”. The more we strive to secure a common good corresponding to the real needs of our neighbours, the more effectively we love them. Every Christian is called to practise this charity, in a manner corresponding to his vocation and according to the degree of influence he wields in the pólis...
Being out of work or dependent on public or private assistance for a prolonged period undermines the freedom and creativity of the person and his family and social relationships, causing great psychological and spiritual suffering. I would like to remind everyone, especially governments engaged in boosting the world's economic and social assets, that the primary capital to be safeguarded and valued is man, the human person in his or her integrity: “Man is the source, the focus and the aim of all economic and social life”...
Openness to life is at the centre of true development. When a society moves towards the denial or suppression of life, it ends up no longer finding the necessary motivation and energy to strive for man's true good...
It is thus becoming a social and even economic necessity once more to hold up to future generations the beauty of marriage and the family, and the fact that these institutions correspond to the deepest needs and dignity of the person. In view of this, States are called to enact policies promoting the centrality and the integrity of the family founded on marriage between a man and a woman, the primary vital cell of society, and to assume responsibility for its economic and fiscal needs, while respecting its essentially relational character...
The way humanity treats the environment influences the way it treats itself, and vice versa. This invites contemporary society to a serious review of its life-style, which, in many parts of the world, is prone to hedonism and consumerism, regardless of their harmful consequences. What is needed is an effective shift in mentality which can lead to the adoption of new life-styles “in which the quest for truth, beauty, goodness and communion with others for the sake of common growth are the factors which determine consumer choices, savings and investments”...
If there is a lack of respect for the right to life and to a natural death, if human conception, gestation and birth are made artificial, if human embryos are sacrificed to research, the conscience of society ends up losing the concept of human ecology and, along with it, that of environmental ecology. It is contradictory to insist that future generations respect the natural environment when our educational systems and laws do not help them to respect themselves...
Denying the right to profess one's religion in public and the right to bring the truths of faith to bear upon public life has negative consequences for true development. The exclusion of religion from the public square — and, at the other extreme, religious fundamentalism — hinders an encounter between persons and their collaboration for the progress of humanity. Public life is sapped of its motivation and politics takes on a domineering and aggressive character...
There is so much more, obviously, but you can see that this is largely a social encyclical. There's a portion on the rights of labor unions, Catholic work, bioethics and more! The nice thing is that this document ought to anger politicians and ideologues on both sides of the aisle. So, take some time and digest this! You will be the better for it!
Monday, July 6, 2009
July 4th--special for two reasons
As Rich Mullins put it, "I will call you my country but I'll be longing for my home." Our true home is Heaven, with Christ. Bearing that in mind, you should know that the 4th of July is also special b/c it is the feast day of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassatti. You can read all about this great man, this soon to be canonized Saint here:
Pier Giorgio was a young man who loved the outdoors. He went mountain climbing, skiing, hiking--and above all he loved Christ and the poor. Do yourselves a favor and become familiar with the man they call "The Man of the Beatitudes".
God bless you!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Anglican bishop: Church of England likely gone in thirty years
Paul Richardson, the assistant Bishop of Newcastle, in the June 27th edition of The Telegraph:
surviving for more than 30 years though few of its leaders are prepared to face that possibility. ...
If decline continues, Christian Research has estimated that in five years' time church closures will accelerate from their present rate of 30 a year to 200 a year as dwindling congregations find the cost of keeping them open too great.
Perhaps the most worrying set of statistics for the Church of England is the decline in baptisms. Out of every
1,000 live births in England in 2006/7 only 128 were baptised as Anglicans.
The figure rises by a small amount if adult baptism and thanksgiving services are included but it is hard to see the Church of England being able to justify its position as the established church on the basis of these numbers.
By way of contrast, out of every 1,000 live births in England in 1900, 609 were baptised in the Church of England. Figures for church marriages show an equally catastrophic decline.
Richardson mulls over possible ways of staving off such decline and death, writing, "If Anglicans could acquire a stronger sense of who they are and what they believe they might slow the rate of decline and possibly even stabilise their numbers. They would still be a minority but they could be a creative minority. The trick will be to reach this situation without falling into a fundamentalist trap or cutting off links with the wider world." He suggests that Catholics might be a good guide in the quest for survival.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a horrible experience of unbearable length, briefly punctuated by three or four amusing moments...If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination." (Roger Ebert)
"Like watching paint dry while getting hit over the head with a frying pan!" (Bradshaw, London Guardian)
"Sums up everything that is most tedious, crass and despicable about modern Hollywood!" (Tookey, Daily Mail)
"A giant, lumbering idiot of a movie!" (Edwards, Daily Mirror)
"I hated every 149 minutes. This is so bad it's immoral. Michael Bay is a time-sucking vampire who will feast off your lost time. This is why the movie is so long." (Victoria Alexander, Films in
"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, is such a pointless, messy assault on the senses that it's hard to even call it a movie. There is little intelligible plot, no characters to root for and hardly even a sense of place. What's left is basically a two-plus hour special effects reel. Even for a Michael Bay movie, it's just truly awful." (Joe Lozito, BigPictureBigSound)
And the ONE positive thing I could find (drum roll, please):
"Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen is good when it is good, but extremely, shockingly, horrifyingly bad when it is bad." (Willie Waffle,
So...what do you think? Have you seen it? Will you?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Corpus Christi
"In a unique and peculiar way, this feast speaks to us of divine love, of what it is and what it does. It tells us, for example, that it regenerates itself in giving itself, it receives itself in giving itself, it does not run out and is not used up; thus we hear in a hymn of St. Thomas Aquinas: "nec sumptus consumitur" (it is not used up in being consumed).
Love transforms every thing, and so we understand that the mystery of transubstantiation, the sign of Jesus-Charity, which transforms the world, is at the center of today's feast of "Corpus Domini." Looking upon him and worshiping him, we say: Yes, love exists, and since it exists, things can change for the better and we can hope. It is the hope that comes from Christ's love that gives us the strength to live and to face every difficulty. This is why we sing while we carry the most Blessed Sacrament in procession; we sing and praise God, who reveals himself hidden in the sign of broken bread. We all have need of this bread, because the road to freedom, justice and peace is long and wearisome."
What about it, folks? Any thoughts?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What's wrong with Mr. Adolfo's eye?

So, my lacrimal sac got dirty or infected or inflamed or possessed or something causing my tear duct to become blocked, pushing all of that water and, yes, a little pus back through the lower canaliculus and gathering underneath my eye. The effect of which is that my eye hurts, my face is puffy, and it feels like my eyeball might pop out from time to time.
How did this happen? Hard to say. I wear glasses so the Doctor says it's possible some bacteria was passed from them to the upper or lower punctum. Maybe I rubbed my eye without washing my hands well enough--or with soap still on them.
Me? I blame communists. Or maybe Al Qaeda.
The good news is, it's getting better and should be fine by tomorrow. Thanks for all of your prayers and for the suggestion to ask the intercession of St. Lucy.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Lord of the Rings Movie Feast!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Don't make the Vatican sad--go to Confession :)
Jun 2 11:41 AM US/Eastern
VATICAN CITY (AP) - A Vatican official is lamenting that many faithful no longer confess their sins, and says some confuse a psychologist's couch for a confessional booth.
Archbishop Mauro Piacenza has told Vatican Radio the sacrament of penance has been experiencing a "deep crisis" for decades. Piacenza, an official for the Vatican office on clergy, says fewer people distinguish between good and evil, and as a result don't go to confession.
The archbishop said in the interview Tuesday that if faithful don't have a sense of sin, they might "confuse" confession with "the couch of a psychologist or a psychiatrist."
He says the Vatican plans to publish this year a kind of handbook on confession to drum up enthusiasm among Catholics toward the sacrament.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Movie Review: Up

There ought to be two standards of greatness for films: Regular great and Pixar great. I mean, that's the only way to make things fair. I cannot think of a production company on a bigger roll than the folk at Pixar. Toy Story (I&II), Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Wall*E, Ratatouille, Monsters Inc., A Bugs Life... that is a fine display of quality film making. (Yes, I left out Cars. That is because I have not seen it. I don't watch things that have Larry the Cable Guy in them. Not gonna happen--ever.)
All of this leads us to their latest offering, Up. In a word, genius. Really, this movie is about as good as movies get. Touching, sweet, funny, and with something on its mind that ought to lead to some nice conversations between parents and children of any age.
"A pleasure is only full grown when it is remembered."-- C.S. Lewis
That quote popped into my mind when the credits rolled at the end. And, of course, to remember something, you've got to let the experience go, to surrender it to time, to memory. That's really what Up is all about.
It's the story of a man, Carl, who is driven to act (in the most extreme, imaginative way I can remember on screen) because he is desperately holding on to the memory of his beloved wife, Ellie. You can't blame him for it. As we see in a beautifully framed montage of their lives together, Ellie was quite a woman. Full of passion and an adventurous spirit, she elevated Carl's life in the same way those helium balloons he's made a career selling lifted his sales cart. But she dies, never having visited Paradise Falls, their dream adventure-vacation set somewhere in South America.
Carl is left alone, in their wonderful dream house, which he has maintained as a monument to Ellie, even still speaking to her as if she were standing next him. The house, you might say, is used as a metaphor for Ellie herself--certainly their life together. Greedy developers have beset Carl at all sides and are just waiting to take his property, too. After an accidental beating at Carl's hands, the retirement home seems destined to be Carl's future.
Not content to go quietly in that good night, Carl makes a choice that sets the movie in motion and takes the audience on a wonderful ride. I know, this doesn't sound particularly funny, but trust me, the funny comes. Along the way, we meet a young stowaway, Russell, the Wilderness Scout, and a talking dog named Dug. Actually, we meet lots of talking dogs--I mean, lots of them. And believe me when I tell you that they nearly steal the show with their zaniness. Oh, we also meet a giant bird, Kevin, who is not quite what "he" seems.
I refuse to give away plot points, so let me just say that Up is fantastic. Whimsical, funny, exhilarating at times, and with a profound message. From a technical standpoint, also fantastic. Not a thing wasted on screen--not even squirrel jokes. The colors are vibrant, the animation as good as any Pixar has created (though perhaps not at amazing as the detail on Ratatouille), and the script tight and well written.
If I'm a movie reviewer, I'm going to need symbols to say how good something is, right? Thumbs are taken, stars are over-used... Four/Four Torches!
I encourage you to talk about the movie in the comments section. Please, don't give away spoilers w/out a *Spoiler Alert*. Now, go see Up.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
OLL Exalt Fest |
7pm @ OLL
What an awesome way to get your summer started--Adoring Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Calling all Musicians!
Monday, May 18, 2009
More Congratulations!
Kathryn Theriot--President
Reid Frances-- Vice-President
Clare Seghers--Secretary
Congratulations to each of you and I look forward to working together!
St. Gianna Molla, Pray for us!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Angels & Demons (the movie, not the creatures)
See you on Saturday! Crawfish!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
TORCH Night! Saturday, 5-10pm!
Monday, May 11, 2009
It was a (mostly) bloodless coup!
First, to all of you who attended the Teen Council meeting and who will comprise the TORCH Teen Council for the upcoming year. Thank you for being so willing to serve! If you had to miss the meeting for one reason or another and still wish to be a part of the TC, please come to next month's meeting on June 8th.
Secondly, we have TC Officers-elect! Your TC Officers for the upcoming year are:
Eric Frances-- President
Mary Seghers-- Vice-President
Sarah Mariano-- Treasurer
Alex Doucet-- Secretary
I look forward to working with you all as we strive to make TORCH burn brighter, all for the glory of God!
St. Peter, our Patron, pray for us!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Teen Council Officers--Roles and Responsibilities
If you feel called to serve in a leadership capacity within TC, it would good for you to read this.
Teen Council Description
Remember, the next TC General Meeting (Monday, May 11th, 6:30pm) is open to ANYONE interested in being a part of Teen Council. We will hold Officer elections that evening, too.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
That, if you don't know, is Blessed Miguel Pro, a Mexican Jesuit priest, executed during the persecution of the Catholic Church under the presidency of Plutarco Elías Calles after trumped up charges of involvement in an assassination attempt against former President Álvaro Obregón. Fr. Pro was beatified by John Paul II as a martyr on September 25, 1988.
Remember, on this day of Mexican Independence, that true freedom, true liberty, can only come through Jesus Christ. Bl. Miguel Pro knew this and lived it even unto death.
Bl. Miguel Pro, pray for us!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
More of this, please!
For Your Current Projects and Your Special Calling as “ARTIST”
[All Other’s are Very Welcome]
Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Rome Rite with Gregorian Chant and Sacred Polyphony Music
When: Feast of St. Joseph the Worker – May 1, 2009 at 8:00pm
Where: St. Victor Church
(8634 Holloway Drive, W. Hollywood, CA 90069)
* Mass will be presided over by the Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael’s Abbey
* Music conducted by a professional choir.
* Guest homilist will be Fr. Darrin Merlino, C.M.F (Hollywood Project).
*Special Blessing for Entertainment Professionals with Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament and Benediction will immediately follow the Mass.
* Reception in the Parish Hall following Mass & Benediction (located on 1st level, below Church)
In a gesture of love and support for entertainment professionals, and in an atmosphere of truth, beauty and goodness, The Hollywood Project is offering Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Also, a Special Blessing and Novena Devotion will be offered for those who wish to have their ‘special vocation’ as an entertainment professional and their current projects put under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
{This Hollywood Project Event is offered in collaboration with St. Victor Church and the 1st Friday “Holy Spirit in the Media” Group and in conjunction with Hollywood ministries [Open Call, St. Charles Borromeo’s Catholics in Entertainment, Family Theater Productions, , Catholics in Media Associates (CIMA), Catholic Underground, Bibles and Brew, Act One Inc, and Una Voca}
“An artist has a special relationship to beauty. In a very true sense it can be said that beauty is the vocation bestowed on him by the Creator in the gift of ‘artistic talent’”
-Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to Artists (1999), n. 3.
The Hollywood Project –
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Youth Mass

As usual, the last Sunday of the month brings us to the Youth Mass at 5pm. We've gotten volunteers for all of our positions, so many thanks go out to Ian, Aaron, Daniel, and Clare!
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available @ 4:15pm.
That evening is also special b/c 5 members of TORCH will be in New Orleans receiving the 'Outstanding Catholic Youth Award for 2008'. Those 5 folk are: John Montelepre IV, Ross McKnight, Karista Filopoulos, Leah Couvillon, and Robert Seghers. Congratulations are certainly in order to each of them!
See you Sunday evening!
Mr. Adolfo
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
T.O.R.C.H. Night...Out!
That's right, folks...We're going to morph into anime representations of ourselves--wait, no--we're going to FUNLAND for some Laser Tag, mini-golf, and go-kart rides!
April 18th, meet at the Youth House for 6:30. We'll eat dinner, discuss Christian Brotherhood, then head out to shoot each other with lasers. $12 gets you a wristband that entitles you to unlimited access to Laser Tag, go-kart rides, and mini-golf.
Invite a friend, tell a buddy, spread it around! Lemme know by Friday if you're coming.
Oh, and this is important, you've got to meet at the Youth House with us first if you're going to come.
See you Saturday!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
He's Alive!

While they were puzzling over this, behold, two men in dazzling garments appeared to them. They were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground.
They said to them, "Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised. Remember what he said to you while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners and be crucified, and rise on the third day."
And they remembered his words.
I love this reading from the Gospel of Luke. "Why do you seek the living one among the dead?" The angels say this so obviously and I always imagine a tinge of condescension in their voices. "Oh, you delightful, poor little humans...weren't you listening to anything he said?" Of course, then the visitors to the grave remember (having been given a word-for-word reminder) and the world is forever changed. It's like the Big Bang happened all over again and the world is remade with Jesus' resurrection. Hallelujah! He is Risen!
Have a joyous, blessed Easter my friends!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Holy Week
Monday, April 6th TORCH Burning: Encyclical Study, 7pm, Youth House
Tuesday, April 7th TORCH Adores, 3:30-4:30pm, Adoration Chapel (I'll actually get to be there this time!)
Wednesday, April 8th Sedar Meal, 7-9pm, Youth House
Holy Thursday, April 9th Movie: 'The Passion of the Christ', after Mass, in the Youth House
Have a blessed, sacred Holy Week, my friends.
Friday, April 3, 2009
April calendar
High School Youth Events
Tues TORCH Adores, 3:30-4:30pm, Adoration Chapel
4th Church Cleaning for Holy Week, 9am-finished
6th TORCH Burning series: Deus Caritas Est, 7-9pm, Youth House
8th Sedar Meal, 7pm, Youth House
9th Movie: 'The Passion of the Christ', after Holy Thursday Mass, Youth House
11th Spring Cleaning! 11am, Youth House
18th TORCH Night...out! 6:30pm, Youth House
20th TORCH Burning series: Deus Caritas Est, 7-9pm, Youth House
27th TORCH Burning series: Deus Caritas Est, 7-9pm, Youth House
Crusaders for Life
11th Abortion Clinic Prayer Protest, 7am, Youth House
15th Danielle Inn Service Project, 9am-3pm, Danielle Inn
16th Danielle Inn Service Project, 9am-3pm, Danielle Inn
20th CFL General Meeting, 6-7pm, Youth House
6th TC Officers Meeting, 6-7pm, Youth House
13th Teen Council Meeting, 6-7pm, Youth House
27th CFL Officers Meeting, 6-7pm, Youth House
If you have any questions about the schedule, give me a call. (985-892-8994)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
If God Were a D.J.
Described as a "quirky little meditation on sovereignty, mercy, free will, and grace."
I dug it.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sacrament of Penance Exhorted as "Indispensible" by Pope
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Abortion Clinic Prayer Protest

Join the Crusaders for Life on Saturday, March 14th as we travel to the Causeway Medical Center to pray for an end to abortion--there and everywhere. We will be joined by Fr. Dennis Wilde of Priests for Life and have the honor of taking him to breakfast afterward. Please be at the Youth House for 7am sharp! (If you only have time to join us for the prayer and not the breakfast following, that's ok! One is infinitely more important than the other.)
God bless you all!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Prayer Walk
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Lenten Night of Praise
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Rediscover Confession Urges Pontiff
Click on the title of this post to bring you to the article covering the Pope Benedict XVI's reflection on yesterday's Gospel reading.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Remaining February Events
Feb 14--Abortion Clinic Prayer Protest; 7am
Feb 16--Crusaders for Life Meeting; 6:30-8pm, Youth House
Feb 17--TORCH Adores
Feb 21--Youth Night; Mardis Gras Game Night!!! 7-10pm, Youth House
Feb 22--Youth Mass, 5pm; Sacrament of Reconciliation, 4:15
Shady Characters
Feb 18--Weekly practice, 5-7pm, Youth House
Feb 21--Youth Night, Open Mic
Feb 22--Youth Mass, 3pm
Feb 18th--Crusaders for Life Officers; 7:15-8:15pm, Youth House
First Post!
Keep coming to this page for updates on events, thoughts, and to offer suggestions. There is a comment box--feel free to use it!