$370! That's the total from the Car Wash yesterday. That's great! I've already given the money to the Men's Association and they'll be placing it in the account for Mrs. Donna that's been set up.
I am humbled by the generosity of spirit that you guys display. It is such a privilege to be your Youth Minister and I thank God for that blessing every day. God bless you all!
Wow! Thats pretty good considering we were just accepting donations. But then again people tend to give more when its for a good cause. It was fun washing the cars though having a bucket of soap water pured on my head by Mary[so that i got soap in my mouth and eyes] wasn't so fantastic....But the whole day was pretty awesome. Maybe we can do it again!
It's almost as bad as taking an icicle in the ear, eh? ;)
If we do it again we should have it at a gas station instead. It would bring in a little more money.
Thats GREAT!!!!
O no....much worse than an icicle torpedo to the ear mr. A.
That reminds me....since there won't be snow at this retreat, what can i replace a an icicle with? Any suggestions anyone? Lol
I thought it went well, and Mrs. Donna will be very happy. I hope it helps her. I know some of y'all who helped don't really know her, or at least not well. Mrs. Donna is an amazing, spunky, energetic person. She has 3 kids, 1 girl and 3 boys, and she is such a sweetheart. If you were not able to help out directly at the car wash, you can still help by keeping her and her family in your prayers.
Sorry, meant 4 kids. little typo there.
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