Who is your favorite Saint? How come?
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I have a hard time narrowing down to one. At various points in my life I've leaned on St. Francis of Assisi the most, other times St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Sebastian is my Confirmation Saint so he always has a special place in my heart. I love the extreme-ness of those guys. None of them were very good at parties, which I always appreciate.
I would have to say my favorite is St.Cecilia simply because most of my life revolves around music.
St. Paul and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Completely opposite, but what I want to be, a strong fighter for the faith, and a gentle, loving mother.
And to walk on a cloud, obviously. The Blessed Mother is always walking on clouds.
St. Anthony of Padua...
He (I have found) is a saint who has had stuggles and talents that most resemble me.
And hes just awesome!!!
St. Anthony of Padua has always been my favorite saint because my dad's side of the family had such a devotion to him and what he did.
I also like saint Patrick of Ireland.
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