This is a real photo of what some pulsars have emitted. AMAZING.
Thanks, Daniel, for sending this.
Welcome to the online arm of T.O.R.C.H.--the senior high school youth group of St. Peter Parish Catholic Church in Covington, LA! Here you'll find schedules, links, random thoughts, quotes, and assorted other goodies. Viva Cristo Rey!
When my dad saw this he jokingly said “It is just a hand print on the camera.” My response was along the lines of “Why don’t we just identify who it is by the figure print?”
My first thought was “WOW!!! We are so lucky to have a super creative God. He must love us a lot to create so many amazing and breath taking things.” And my second thought was about the title “The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky proclaims its builder’s craft.” This reminds me about the story in the Bible when the disciples and Jesus where in the boat during a storm; and the disciples where so scared that they woke up Jesus. Who then got up and told the wind and waves to hush, and they listened. Then the disciples wondered “who is this man, that even the wind and waves obey Him?”
If everything around us that God created obeys and Worships him, we should definitely do the same.
The sedar meal was great,amazing, awesome, etc!!!
Thank you for telling me about it!!! I had lots of fun!!!!
Wow...that's...really cool! At first look is really didn't seem like anything, but wow...that's amazing!!!
Yea nice picture
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