The Shady Characters are in need of new members!
If you play an instrument or sing and would like to be a part of this fabulously cool ministry, come to the Shady Characters try outs on June 3rd, from 6-8pm in the Youth House.
Pax et Bonum!
Welcome to the online arm of T.O.R.C.H.--the senior high school youth group of St. Peter Parish Catholic Church in Covington, LA! Here you'll find schedules, links, random thoughts, quotes, and assorted other goodies. Viva Cristo Rey!
so the drummer should have long hair...just saying...
It's pulled back in a pony tail, you just can't see it.
I am seeing double...
i don't remember putting "It's pulled back in a pony tail, you just can't see it." on the blog....wait!!! i didn't...
;) [my symbol was stolen by Mr.A...I had it first!!!]
Or it was you...
No it was not me.
;) Keaton
oooooh a comment deleted, who said what? And when? oh-that was Mr.A's double post, hmmm for a second that was actually mysterious....
cool...so if anyone says something he doesn't like he could delete it...hmmm.
I'm drunk with power! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! hic!
Just don't drive...
WOW, we really didn't get a lot of new recruits last night :( hmmmm.
There were 3--replacing 5. That's not bad, really.
No 4. Ian, Daniel, James, and Molly.
Those really aren't bad statistics, but the band i find [correct me if i'm wrong] has been on the steady decline in numbers year after year..judging by FOL's and other events.
no, not at all. It used to be a lot smaller, and last year we got a whole bunch of members. I was worried it would be to chaotic with so many people in one band, but we made it work and now a lot of them are graduating. It's not that we need a lot of people for the band, but the majority of the people graduating are guitarists, so we really needed one, plus we didn't have Male vocals or bass either.
Ah, yeah how many guitarists do we need? We have two now, but can we still do all of the same stuff? or are their songs that we need more than 2 guitarists to play??
Y'all need to calm down. The band is so much more chill than you think. All of the songs need at least one guitar, but we always work with what we have, plus it's good to have a back up if someone can't make something.
Ah, i see.
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