So, my lacrimal sac got dirty or infected or inflamed or possessed or something causing my tear duct to become blocked, pushing all of that water and, yes, a little pus back through the lower canaliculus and gathering underneath my eye. The effect of which is that my eye hurts, my face is puffy, and it feels like my eyeball might pop out from time to time.
How did this happen? Hard to say. I wear glasses so the Doctor says it's possible some bacteria was passed from them to the upper or lower punctum. Maybe I rubbed my eye without washing my hands well enough--or with soap still on them.
Me? I blame communists. Or maybe Al Qaeda.
The good news is, it's getting better and should be fine by tomorrow. Thanks for all of your prayers and for the suggestion to ask the intercession of St. Lucy.
Darn those "commies" and "Queda's"!!!!!
But seriously, that looks painful and i'm sure you'll be glad to be back to normal oon.
-Meant to put soon- not "oon."
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