Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Don't make the Vatican sad--go to Confession :)

Vatican laments drop in confessions
Jun 2 11:41 AM US/Eastern

VATICAN CITY (AP) - A Vatican official is lamenting that many faithful no longer confess their sins, and says some confuse a psychologist's couch for a confessional booth.

Archbishop Mauro Piacenza has told Vatican Radio the sacrament of penance has been experiencing a "deep crisis" for decades. Piacenza, an official for the Vatican office on clergy, says fewer people distinguish between good and evil, and as a result don't go to confession.

The archbishop said in the interview Tuesday that if faithful don't have a sense of sin, they might "confuse" confession with "the couch of a psychologist or a psychiatrist."

He says the Vatican plans to publish this year a kind of handbook on confession to drum up enthusiasm among Catholics toward the sacrament.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, a lot of people think that confession is just "for the big sins," but, if you go a long while without receiving this sacrament,-or even not that long- and receive it, you feel a liberation from sin and its chains, and you experience a closeness to God. It’s almost as if you're a well, and each time you sin, you lose a little water, but when you go to confession, you’re refilled to the brim, and even overflowing with a renewed source of vigor and energy to follow Christ’s teachings and ways. This may be a cliché’, but I think that the world would be a different- most likely better-place if more people went to confession.