Thursday, May 28, 2009


OLL Exalt Fest


7pm @ OLL

What an awesome way to get your summer started--Adoring Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Calling all Musicians!

The Shady Characters are in need of new members!

If you play an instrument or sing and would like to be a part of this fabulously cool ministry, come to the Shady Characters try outs on June 3rd, from 6-8pm in the Youth House.

Pax et Bonum!

Monday, May 18, 2009

More Congratulations!

The Crusaders for Life held elections tonight and the officers-elect are:

Kathryn Theriot--President
Reid Frances-- Vice-President
Clare Seghers--Secretary

Congratulations to each of you and I look forward to working together!

St. Gianna Molla, Pray for us!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Angels & Demons (the movie, not the creatures)

I don't know if anyone is paying any attention to Dan Brown and his deceits at all, but just in case they are HERE is a link to a fine essay by Catholic movie reviewer, Steven Greydanus. He completely destroys all of the fake history Brown uses for his book/movie.

See you on Saturday! Crawfish!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Oh my, did I laugh at this:

TORCH Night! Saturday, 5-10pm!

What's the point of living in Louisiana if you don't take advantage of it?

Join TORCH for a crawfish boil, music, games (Dance Dance Revolution, y'all!), and a talk from Mr. Cory Hayes!

Saturday evening, from 5-10pm in the Youth House!

See you Saturday!

Monday, May 11, 2009

It was a (mostly) bloodless coup!

Congratulations are in order!

First, to all of you who attended the Teen Council meeting and who will comprise the TORCH Teen Council for the upcoming year. Thank you for being so willing to serve! If you had to miss the meeting for one reason or another and still wish to be a part of the TC, please come to next month's meeting on June 8th.

Secondly, we have TC Officers-elect! Your TC Officers for the upcoming year are:

Eric Frances-- President
Mary Seghers-- Vice-President
Sarah Mariano-- Treasurer
Alex Doucet-- Secretary

I look forward to working with you all as we strive to make TORCH burn brighter, all for the glory of God!

St. Peter, our Patron, pray for us!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Teen Council Officers--Roles and Responsibilities

If you feel called to serve in a leadership capacity within TC, it would good for you to read this.

Teen Council Description

Remember, the next TC General Meeting (Monday, May 11th, 6:30pm) is open to ANYONE interested in being a part of Teen Council. We will hold Officer elections that evening, too.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

That, if you don't know, is Blessed Miguel Pro, a Mexican Jesuit priest, executed during the persecution of the Catholic Church under the presidency of Plutarco Elías Calles after trumped up charges of involvement in an assassination attempt against former President Álvaro Obregón. Fr. Pro was beatified by John Paul II as a martyr on September 25, 1988.

Remember, on this day of Mexican Independence, that true freedom, true liberty, can only come through Jesus Christ. Bl. Miguel Pro knew this and lived it even unto death.

Bl. Miguel Pro, pray for us!